Policy Support Committee
Supporting advocacy at policy-setting bodies through research, strategy, coordination, staff, and logistics.
The mission of the policy support committee is to educate and advocate for good governance, transparency, and top-quality education in the tradition of New College’s history to all policy-setting bodies including the Board of Trustees, Foundation, Alumni Association, Board of Governors, state and federal bodies, and accrediting agencies.
Our success is measured by ensuring that the goals for, and concerns around, New College’s long-term success are articulated and considered at all levels of formal policy-setting bodies. This committee wants to support all existing efforts through research, education, strategy, and coordination, and to fill in gaps as needed.
You can email at contact@novocollegian.org with any questions or support you need.
Are you pursuing action around a formal policy group and want to know about other efforts? Please reach out!
Want to speak at a public meeting and want to coordinate with others? Please reach out!
Looking to better understand the rules and regulations for a particular policy-setting body? Please reach out!
Know of an upcoming policy-setting body and want to make sure someone is monitoring it and taking appropriate action? Please reach out!
Want to brainstorm strategy around a public meeting? Please reach out!
Have a public records request that you want help with, or want to see other records people have already requested? Please reach out!
Want to help document policy and processes to help New College? (You guessed it!) Please reach out!
We might not have all the answers, but we have staff and information that can hopefully help - just email us at contact@novocollegian.org.